Рет қаралды 837,718
Play Caliber for Free - bit.ly/2sQ6fyV
Hello everyone! In this video, I finally solved the problem in the workshop that bothered me for a long time) What happened, I was very pleased!
The compressor took here - intertool.ua/c...
My mail is terafox@rambler.ru
My instagram - terafox80
Save on purchases from 7% or earn with ePN cashback - ali.pub/2whpbc
Soft handles for the horizontal bar - ali.pub/37zd1j
Set Screws - ali.pub/35g7y6
Power Regulator - ali.pub/32td0h
Digital vernier caliper - ali.pub/2xz6z2
Drills for side cutting - ali.pub/2xz6ue
Disk for the grinder 150 - ali.pub/2ubr17
Emery wheels 150 - ali.pub/2ubs8k
Step Drills - ali.pub/2tk510
Welding magnets - ali.pub/2tk4q4
Electric screwdriver - ali.pub/2uhwat
Battery Charging - ali.pub/31i0op
Music provided by Epidemic Sound.